Upcoming Concerts

14/08/2024 through 18/08/2024 First run. Second run the following week to be confirmed. Sydney Opera House, Playhouse Theatre

Many will remember the wonderfully bouncy music by Carl Davis for the BBC adaptation of the Jane Austen novel Pride and Prejudice. This show in Sydney is a re-working by Davis based on the series into a 75 minute show with actor/reader, violin and piano.

The first half of the show offers various combinations of chamber music including pieces by Schubert and Beethoven setting the mood for the second half which is the Pride and Prejudice set piece, which will run seamlessly through music and readings from the novel. Nadine Garner, reader and narrator.
Madeleine Easton, violin
This should promise to be a really fun evening more like an evening's musical soirée than a regular concert. The music with its catchy tunes will delight many who will remember the BBC's unforgettable adaption of the novel. I am so looking forward to working with distinguished actor Nadine Garner, and violinist Madeleine Easton on this delightful project..
02/09/2024 through 7/09/2024 Villa Medici Giulini, Briosco, near Como, Italy

As part of a Kirker Music Festival series, I am delighted to present the Villa Medici Giulini Collection of Keyboards in a series of concerts and brief talks throughout the week, illustrating the history of the keyboard through this stupendous collection of pianos which rightly claims to be the largest private single collection of pianos in the world!!!


The week will be presented in a series of recitals on various instruments in the Collection, from Mozart to Chopin and Liszt. Myself. This tour has proved to be highly popular and is a repeat of the week I did last year at the Villa Giulini. The Collection is entirely private so members of the tour can feel they are being let in to a very special world and a very special opportunity to see and hear these remarkable instruments at the closest quarters.
08/09/2024 Tetbury Goods Shed, Tetbury, Gloucestershire

A very welcome return to this lovely venue and Arts centre in the middle of the delightful town of Tetbury in Gloucestershire.


Beethoven Sonatas Op 109 and 110.
Clara Schumann 3 Romances Op 11
Brahms Sonata in C major Op 1
Myself. This is indeed a very welcome return to this lovely venue and I am hugely look forward to coming back!!
24/09/2024 through 29/09/2024 Estellencs and Banyalbufar in Mallorca

Another delightful musical Festival holiday with the Kirker group with a week in Mallorca, celebrating the music of Chopin amongst others, and some beautiful Autumnal sunshine!!


The full programme of this week will be available on the Kirker website. Concerts through the week in the evenings with many various artists and a huge variety of music on offer.
My contribution to the week will be a solo recital with music by composers including Beethoven, Granados and of course Chopin!!
And a new collaboration with the Alkyona String Quartet in the final concert of the week where I will be performing Chopin's F minor Piano Concerto arranged for string quartet.
The Alkyona Quartet
And many other distinguished guest artists throughout the week's Festival.
It is always a joy to come back to Mallorca, and there is always that romantic notion that Chopin spent some time here, though in reality he had a dreadful time, the weather was foul, and he was very ill with TB. But...we can still listen to his wonderful music and imagine...!
10/11/2024 Leipzig Gewandhaus, Germany

There are special conductors one works with as a soloist and there are really special conductors one always looks forward to working with and my dear friend Dennis Russell Davis must be right up there!!

My performance with the Maestro will be Mozart's Piano concerto in C major No 25 K503. MDR Sinfonieorchester, Leipzig
Maestro Dennis Russell Davis
The Leipzig Gewandhaus concert hall must rate as one of the best concert halls in the world, and it will be real treat to perform there again!!
And the town of Leipzig..with all its incredible musical history!!